Restaurant Thasos - Armeno - Fish Tavern Thasos

Restaurant Thasos - Armeno - Fish Tavern Thasos

73339 Visitors:
Address: Skala Marion
Area: Thasos
Telephone: 2593051277
Mobile: 6977413789
P.C.: 64002
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
In Skala Maries of Thassos in the tavern-Armeno, you can dine in one of the best fish restaurants in the area. You will enjoy unique flavors of the Greek traditional cuisine and you will find quality seafood dishes and meat dishes. All cooked with olive oil of Thassos. If you want to experience moments of pleasure visit tavern - Armenia.   The Tavern - Armeno is in the center of Skala Maries Thassos for quite some time now offers its patrons the exquisite culinary creations of seafood...
73339 Visitors:

Skala Marion, Thasos

73339 Visitors:
In Skala Maries of Thassos in the tavern-Armeno, you can dine in one of the best fish restaurants in the area. You will enjoy unique flavors of the Greek traditional cuisine and you will find quality seafood dishes and meat dishes. All cooked with olive oil of Thassos. If you want to experience moments of pleasure visit tavern - Armenia.
The Tavern - Armeno is in the center of Skala Maries Thassos for quite some time now offers its patrons the exquisite culinary creations of seafood, fish and meats.
A nice Sea and family environment where the air harmony prevails, his first priority is the friendly customer service. A young couple full of zeal for work and hospitality painted their smile, are the owners of Armenia.
The wide variety of appetizers and ouzo, fresh vegetables that produce them themselves without fertilizers, but the traditional way inherited along with Thasitiki fisher recipes from parents tous.einai the difference in quality than others, which makes it unique luring yet even the most demanding.
The Tavern - Armeno also has a wide variety of wines that perfectly accompany the excellent traditional appetizing and local raki welcome.


Armeno Sea food
Armeno Cooked dishes
Armeno Greek cuisine
73339 Visitors:

Skala Marion

Telephone: 2593051277
Mobile: 6977413789

Working Hours
